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The Latest Shows on Truth TV

Truth is stranger than fiction. So says Truth TV, formerly Cort TV

By Bobby Shirley

Truth TV, known for stretching that commodity in sort of the same way Fox News does by claiming to be "fair and balanced" has added Repo Ape to their list of phony shows this Fall and Winter. Repo Ape attempts to telll the story of a gorilla who has been trained to repossess cars and related type of vehicles. It appears that the gorilla is a guy in a suit. He knocks on the door showing terrified car owners the repo papers, and doesn't have to hang around long to answer many questions, he just tries to keep the car owner inside the house while a human takes the car away.

Another Truth TV show being announced which premiers on April 1 of this year is Duck or I'll Shoot which we are told involves a mallard duck that carries a gun around shooting at hunters. The lead is played by Affie the Aflak duck and is sponsored by the NRA. A typical show depicts duck hunters being chased and fired upon by Affie, who uses an assault rifle on a stand filled with bird shot. He carries the gun in a specially designed holster which wraps around and across his chest. An NRA spokeperson said that the show demonstrates the necessity of even bird hunters being better armed to protect themselves.

Rumor around the station also persists concerning a new series about a real life vampire named Bella which they are filming in Transylvania. They have problems with maitaining a camera crew, we are told. Other actors on the show have also disappeared. In the Fall these shows join Hardcore Hasidim, which follows a pawnbroker in Boro Park, Brooklyn, who fleeces his community dry, and Lizard Luck Towing, a show about a repo man who constantly has his office torn apart by actors and people who need a job taken and were taken off the street pretending to be repossessed car owners.

Other shows on Truth TV include: X-Rated Tatoos, My Uncle the Walrus, Kill a Cyote, Torture the American Way, Three Men and a Pig, Americas Unfunniest Politicians starring Paul Ryan, Homicide for Fun and Profit, and The Preacher's 1000 Room Mansion.   



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